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Ypač reikėtų pasidžiaugti Leporelo vaidmens atlikėju – klaipėdiečiu Igoriu Bakanu, atliekančiu pagrindines partijas įvairiuose Europos teatruose. Sukūręs visais požiūriais įspūdingą komedinį paveikslą, jis tapo ryškia operos veiksmo varomąja jėga. Dinamišką vokalinę partiją su parlando tipo greitakalbe, daugkartiniu vienos trumpos frazės kartojimu ir pusiau rečitatyvine melodika I.Bakanas atliko nepriekaištingai. Puikiai skambėjo jo nepaprastai gražaus tembro, sodrus ir galingas, stipria vokaline technika pasižymintis bosas. Komiškasis I.Bakano Leporelas kibirkščiavo vaidybine išmone, juokino ir stebino išraiškingomis mizanscenomis.

Daiva Kšanienė



"In return, he was at the premiere surrounded by strong Baltic and Eastern European votes, of which especially the Lithuanian baritone Igor Bakan as Anckarström was absolutely terrific. Large, muscular, yet controlled, he sang the party, where he sobbed on his knees in the last act appeared deeply credible."




Igor Bakans Oroe was a strong anchor for the action...


Simon Thompson


Igor Bakan made a fine Oroe with a smooth, even timbre throughout his range. His bass-baritone voice did not carry over the orchestra as well as the others; whether that was a lack of projection on his part or just where I was sitting it was hard to tell but the first example of this was the bottom-F at the end of his opening aria, Si...gran Nume...tintesi which was lost.


Katy Thomson
Opera Britannia


Igor Bakan was a knockout as a rather verismo-like Renato! Bakan sang and acted for his life with inexhaustible commitment. The detailed connections he drew from the words and notes were extraordinary. He repeatedly brought powerfully effectively emph asis to bear on his vocal line, cleverly gleaned from the music. One rarely feels so shaken by Renato's inner breakdown. His voice sounded expansive and impressed with its secure high notes. An exceptional achievement by an outstanding artist!


Dirk Schauß, -


Igor Bakan  as Anckarström got cheer several times and became the evening's big surprise. A lovely bass-baritone.





Perfetto nella parte il barbiere Igor Bakan che si contende a pieno titolo l’attenzione rivolta al protagonista, interpretando anche il viaggiatore....




Igor Bakans Anckarström has impressive vocal abilities, but often balances on the game's boundary.




Singing in this production was very good with outstanding performances by Ben Connor (Slook) and Igor Bakan (Mill), who both mastered the Rossini coloratura impressively and also excelled in the secco recitatives that push the story forward.


Igor Bakan war ein beeindruckenender bassgewaltiger Oberpriester Oroe.


Julia Poser
Orpheus Magazine


Igor Bakan (Vitellius) confirme l’impression favorable laissée en décembre dans Sémiramide...

Sebastien Foucart

Quando Wagner canta Rossini
Il basso lituano Igor Bakan, assai "strapazzato" quale Gran Sacerdote Oroe dalle belle trovate di Nigel Lowery (che lo costringe a trasportare la maggior parte del tempo una valigia), ha ricoperto il suo ruolo adeguatamente lasciando però a desiderare in fatto di eleganza vocale.


Fulvio Stefano Lo Presti


Goddelijke zang in Antwerpse Semiramide   14.Dec. 2010 Antwerpen
De (zeer?) jonge basbariton Igor Bakan was een fenomenale Oroe. Ondanks de belachelijke outfit als handelsreiziger kon hij het karakter van de Hoge Priester weten over
te brengen.


Basia Jaworski

Und wieder sehr kompetent in seiner Sparte war der zwei Jahre jüngere Litauer Igor BAKAN, ein im Auftreten schon sehr routinierter Sänger, mit einem typisch russisch gefärbten Bass-Bariton, der aus Rachmaninovs Aleko ein einfühlsames Portrait mit Vesj tabor spit gestaltete. Der Publikumspreis war ihm damit sicher, ebenso auch der zweite Jurypreis.



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